CV Writing Post-GDPR

19th November 2018

As everyone is fully aware by now, the data protection regulations changed in May 2018, and ‘GDPR’ became one of the most frequently used acronyms of recent times.

In the recruitment world, GDPR has had a huge impact, particularly when dealing with candidate details. Before a CV can be sent to a client for consideration, any non-compliant information must be redacted.

As a candidate, making your CV GDPR-compliant means it can be more easily taken into consideration for a role. Using the following guidelines will allow your CV to flourish in the post-GDPR age:

  • Avoid any reference to sensitive personal data:
    – Health
    – Ethnic or racial origin
    – Religion
    – Biometric/genetic data
    – Criminal activity
    – Union membership
    – Political opinion
    – Sex life
  • If applicable, remove any information that could identify your children, whether this is their name(s), age(s) or the school they attend.  It is fine to refer to the fact that you have children, but don’t provide any of their details

Abiding by this advice enables a recruiter to forward your CV to an interested employer, without first needing to remove any information.

Categories: Arts & Heritage, HR, IT & Technology, Not for Profit