30 Minutes with Tom Bridgman, Director of Development at Oxford City Council

20th June 2022
Marek Dobrowolski
Partner & Head of Practice

30 Minutes with Tom Bridgman, Director of Development at Oxford City Council

Tom Bridgman is the Director of Development at Oxford City Council, an iconic city immediately recognisable to many people, but one that not very many people will truly understand the nature of.

Appointed in 2019 Tom’s career to date is a fascinating one, that has seen him work in place shaping roles across the public and private sectors, with both national remits and in location defined roles.

Three years on from his appointment, and a global pandemic later our Partner and lead for Regeneration, Place and Partnerships Marek Dobrowolski caught up with Tom to find out more about the impact of COVID 19 on Oxford and what the future holds for Oxford. They discussed what levelling up means for a city such as Oxford, the challenges the city faces around affordable housing, planning, infrastructure and sustainability and how to retain a competitive edge in an increasingly competitive world.

Finally they touched on Tom’s own career, what moving between sectors has taught and skills and experience it has provided him with and where they will meet for a coffee in 3 years time.

Marek Dobrowolski leads our Place Practice nationally. His focus is on Regeneration, Economic Development & Infrastructure appointments in Local Government and its associated agencies.

Categories: Regeneration Place & Social Housing