Why Berwick Partners was the right career move for me

29th February 2024
Liam Young

We spoke to one of our newer team members Liam Young, Consultant in the Education practice about why joining Berwick made sense, and how his first six months here have confirmed it was the right career move for him.

Liam has had a successful start to his Berwick journey, placing the Director of Education at IPEM last month, and winning a number of other high-profile roles. We asked him a few questions about his experience so far:

Berwick Partners is part of the Odgers Berndtson group; what does this really mean, for a Consultant?

Berwick, as part of the Odgers Berndtson Group, is an executive search firm – but it is also an executive firm in its own right. What do I mean by that? From the moment you arrive at the firm, you come to quickly understand that your colleagues are incredibly knowledgeable, professional and successful. The access we have as part of the OB group is unrivalled. If you are looking to couple that access with your own determination to succeed, Berwick Partners is the first place you should consider.

What has been your experience so far of being part of the Berwick Consultant community?

This is a firm where you can become an executive yourself, a leader in your own field, so long as you are willing to put your mind to it. You will get all the support you could need from industry leading professionals who are warm, interesting, and, importantly, at the very top of their game.

And how about the wider Berwick team?

Having worked at Berwick Partners for six months, I have been able to learn from colleagues whilst also successfully starting to bill, working across a much broader scope of the education sector than I had done previously. This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my Head of Practice, and the assistance I have received from my PA and the entire Research team. Berwick Partners is made up of eminently diligent and professional people who want you to succeed.

Finally, can you summarise in a sentence what it means to be a Berwick Consultant?

If you are capable of forging a path for yourself whilst also keeping in mind the reputation, skill-set, and experience of the firm, you will be given every opportunity to work with fascinating clients and candidates, as well as building your own financial and reputational success across executive search.

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Categories: Berwick Careers, Education