The evolving role of the CIO: From change to growth

2nd March 2021

The evolving role of the CIO: From change to growth

In his latest video with CXO Insight Matt Cockbill discusses the current market for IT & Digital leadership talent alongside the skills and experiences clients are valuing most in CIO, CTO & CDO appointments.

The last 12 months have shown that the right CIO’s CTO’s and CDO’s have much to offer at the forefront of business leadership. They have been material to delivering secure, resilient, reliable services which enable new ways of working for colleagues and customers.

As the economy sets itself for recovery, IT Tech and digital leaders are going to be looking carefully at their senior leadership team colleagues. Board’s that aren’t sufficiently tech aware, or committed to exploiting digital, data, and technology to deliver exceptional customer outcomes will see their tech leaders drift away.

It’s long been the case that if your IT, Digital and Data leaders can’t cut it in the boardroom, you’ve likely got the wrong one. But the CIO/CTO/CDO community are staring hard at their board colleagues with a similar question. Can they adapt and adopt to exploit tech, digital and data for growth? If not, they’re likely going to be seeking a new team to play for.

Click here to watch

Categories: IT & Technology