Finance Leadership Breakfast – What next for Britain?

11th December 2018

Finance Leadership Breakfast – What next for Britain?

On Thursday 6th December Berwick Partners hosted a breakfast for senior finance leaders, tax specialists and their advisors around the topic of ‘What next for Britain – in light of Brexit’.

We were delighted to host our guest speaker; The Rt Hon. Nicky Morgan, MP and Chair of the Treasury Select Committee. Nicky provided attendees with insight into her views on the issue of Brexit, and the areas of consideration for the country as a whole. She spoke with the audience about the technicalities around Brexit, why negotiations had been conducted the way they have, and the challenges the government has faced in securing a deal. What was clear was the enormity of the task at hand, and how difficult it continues to be to bring together views which are so polarised.

Whilst Nicky was adamant she was not an expert, and in fact no one is on the subject of Brexit, she provided some interesting views and comments on her own opinions. Her session was followed by a highly engaging Q&A session, which all of the guests thoroughly enjoyed.

Categories: Finance