Berwick Back @ Home!

5th November 2020

Berwick Back @ Home!

With the onset of a second national lockdown, I confess to feeling a little flat. I am resigning myself to one small upside; this lockdown should neatly scoot us through to December and some welcome festive cheer!  And I’ll gladly take it, even if it is only in groups of six.

This morning I happened upon a post in LinkedIn which made me chuckle. It was a thread outlining words and phrases from 2020 that we’d happily consign to the past! The original poster kicked off the list of jaded words; ‘pivot’, ‘lockdown’, ‘furlough’ and some phrases including; ‘have you got your mask?’, ‘card not cash’ and ‘where’s all the loo roll gone?’! The responses that followed really do capture the moment in phrases: ‘Did you book? We’re fully booked’, ‘You’re on mute…YOU’RE ON MUTE!’, ‘Unprecedented times!’, Unprecedented scale!’, ‘In it together’ and ‘can you hear me? I can’t see you’…

But for all that, 2020 has brought us a more human understanding of one another. Through adversity we are more closely bound together.  Communication amongst teams has never been more important and levels rarely been so high. Our business culture has unquestionably evolved to cope with the challenges of being forcibly remote from each other. Through digital platforms we’ve been able to celebrate births, birthdays, anniversaries and engagements more widely than ever before, and been able to share a chuckle as uninvited ‘zoomies’ pad across a keyboard and ‘work faces’ slip! As we head into this second national lockdown – from all at Berwick Partners stay safe and stay well.

Categories: IT & Technology